Wednesday, January 30, 2019

March Meeting


The Lane County Dahlia Society will hold its March meeting Thursday, March 7th at 7:30 PM at the Celeste Campbell Center, 155 High Street, Eugene. The March meeting will feature a brand new power-point presentation titled " Dahlia Varieties 101: Choosing the correct dahlias for your Garden". Deb Gilmer and Lexa Cookson will share their current favorite dahlias for exhibiting, to grow for cut flowers, and to plant in a  mixed garden bed. They will also talk about how to choose dahlia varieties to create pleasing bouquets for your home and the latest unique  dahlia varieties available.There will also be door prizes and free refreshments provided. The meeting is free and open to the public. Whether you are a first time visitor or a long-time L.C.D.S. member, we hope that you will join us!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

February Meeting

Our February dahlia meeting will be held Thursday, February 7th at 7:30 PM at the Celeste Campbell Center, 155 High Street, Eugene. The topic of this meeting will be new dahlia introductions for 2019. We will show a DVD that presents all of the new dahlias that earned a passing score at the 2018 trial gardens. Also, it is time to renew your membership, if you haven't already done so. It should be a fun winter's night full of lovely dahlia blooms and  help us all plan and dream about our upcoming garden. There will be refreshments and door prizes too.  As always, the meeting is free and open to the public. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Welcome to 2019 ! It's time to renew your membership.

January is the time to renew your dahlia society membership and pay yearly dues to help sustain our organization. If you joined the Lane County Dahlia Society after September 1st, 2018, then your dues are good through 2019. We encourage all members to join the American Dahlia Society and the Pacific Northwest Dahlia Conference as well.

Lane County Dahlia Society Dues are $10 per person, $15 each family; Members receive 11 issues of our newsletter The Dahlia Data

American Dahlia Society $24 per person, $27 for a family. Members receive the quarterly ADS Bulletin and the 2010 Classification Guild. The Bulletin contains timely articles pertaining to dahlias, information on new cultivars, and a host of other topics. The Classification book is indispensable as a guide that states which cultivars performed well in your region and lists winning varieties from around the nation. The ADS provides a great service to all dahlia enthusiasts at a bargain price.

Pacific Northwest Dahlia Conference $10 per person or $15 for a family. The PNDS hosts 3 trial gardens: Inland Empire Garden in Spokane, Canby Trial Garden in Canby, Oregon & the Victoria Trial Garden on Canada's Vancouver Island. The PNDS provides training for judges, maintains records for all member societies, and sponsors an annual show. Each member of the PNDS receives 3 newsletters a year, a membership booklet, and an exhibiting number.

Please renew your dues by mailing them to our Treasurer Phyllis Shafer at : 222 E. Broadway #501 , Eugene, OR 97401. Make all checks payable to : The Lane County Dahlia Society.
Our first meeting of the new year will be held Thursday, February 7th. at the Celeste Campbell Center in Eugene. Our program that evening will be a DVD of the new 2019 dahlia introductions. We hope to see you there!