Wednesday, July 25, 2018

August Meeting

"Dagmar"  B IC OR

The Lane County Dahlia Society will hold its August meeting on Thursday, August 2nd. at 7:30 PM at the Celeste Campbell Center, 155 High Street, Eugene. This month's program will feature a discussion on dahlia grooming, and how best to tend to your plants at this time of the year to produce plentiful, big, beautiful blooms. We will also have a demonstration on creating arrangements with dahlias for both the home and for a dahlia show. As we head toward the dahlia show season, show supplies including foam and containers will be available for purchase. And don't forget to bring in those dahlias blooms. We love to have our dahlia "show-and-tell" before the meeting and during the break. As always free door prizes and refreshments will be offered. The meeting is also free and open to the public. We hope to see you there!

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